CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN - The Gilbreth Family - Dr. Lillian Moller Gilbreth, not merely a mother

The Gilbreth Family, Hollywood style - 1950 CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN , a 1948 memoir, written by Frank B. Gilbreth Jr., Ernestine Gilbreth Carey. Their story recounts life in a large family with twelve children as raised by well known parents who are efficiency experts. The title comes from one of Gilbreth's favorite jokes: "Hey Mister! How come you got so many kids?" To which Gilbreth would ponder and reply, "Well, they come cheaper by the dozen, you know!" The cast featured Clifton Webb and Myrna Loy as Frank and Lillian Gilbreth . Out of the twelve young actors/actresses for the children, only two were given screen credit: Jeanne Crain as Anne Gilbreth and Barbara Bates as Ernestine Gilbreth . The rest of the children were portrayed as follows: Mary - Betty Barker, Martha - Patti Brady, Frank Jr. - Norman Ollestad, Lillie - Carol Nugent, William - Jimmy Hunt, Fred - Anthony Sydes, Dan - Teddy Driver, Jack - Roddy McCaskill, Jane - Tina Thompson, (...