THE GLASS SLIPPER is a lovely retelling of the age old Cinderella story. Forty three year old Michael Wilding, was cast as the handsome Prince Charming. Twenty four year old French actress/ballerina Leslie Caron was chosen as the shy, brooding Ella. In spite of their age difference, it did work! 

THE GLASS SLIPPER is labeled as a musical.  Much of the original music, by Bronislau Kaper, was centered around two stunning ballet sequences. (I did read that Michael Wilding was not comfortable in tights - at all!) The feature song, Take My Love, was 'sung' by the Prince, Michael Wilding. The ONLY vocal piece in the entire picture - and the actor had a cover!!  
As with most 'ghost singers,' they have a glorious voice and are not often given credit for their work. So, I went digging......

The person responsible for this beautiful performance is Val Rosing, a British big band vocalist. He sang and recorded with a number of bands. Rosing made the move to America, at the urging of Louis B. Mayer, who also changed his name to "Gilbert Russell." Russell sang and acted in musicals and light opera across the country. In later years, he became one of Hollywood's top vocal coaches.

Here is the link to listen to Gilbert Russell (Val Rosing) sing this beautiful song! I love harpsichord accompaniment!


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